
Rikard Fåhraeus


15-30 april 2023

Time is an illusion and therfore there are moments that stretch

the imminent into the continously possible.

Tiden är en illusion och därför finns det ögonblick som sträcker det nära förestående in i kontinuerlig möjlighet. Något är på väg att hända och den dörren förblir öppen.

För mig innehåller konst som fascinerar mig just den känslan. Att försöka nå dit är ofta att befinna sig just där och att försöka få det att finnas kvar också efter att processen i ateljén är avklarad. I viss mån avstannar detta aldrig utan fortsätter i ett evigt försök.

Min syn på samtiden är att just att det nära förestående, det imminenta, drar mer åt ”det överhängande”. Ett damoklessvärd,en fara som hotar, en tickande bomb. Till och med en känsla av ödesbestämt. Det kan framkalla en förlamande känsla av oundviklighet. Men det finns en positiv sida av det imminenta som är mer intressant och det är vetskapen om allts föränderlighet. Det kan synas kontrafaktiskt att tala om det imminenta i samband med något så statiskt som ett konstverk men jag vill hävda motsatsen. Det imminenta har att göra med föreställningsförmågan. Att veta att det går att komma ut och bli befriad när man känner sig intrasslad i något så enkelt som sin egen tröja. Att känna sina begränsningar är inte samma sak som att känna sina möjligheter. Det inger hopp. Om det hoppet sedan är illusoriskt är av mindre vikt.


Time is an illusion and therefore there are moments that stretch the imminent into the continuously possible. Something is about to happen and that door remains open

For me, art that fascinates me contains just that feeling. Trying to get there often means being right there and trying to make it remain even after the process in the studio is finished. To some extent this never stops but continues in an eternal attempt.

My view of the present is that precisely the imminent leans more towards a feeling of doom than the opposite. A sword of Damocles, a looming danger, a ticking bomb. Even a sense of destiny. It can induce a paralyzing sense of inevitability. But there is a positive side of the imminent that is more interesting and that is the knowledge of the changeability of everything. It may seem counterfactual to talk about the imminent in connection with something as static as a work of art, but I want to argue the opposite. The imminent has to do with imagination. Knowing that it is possible to get out and be freed when you feel entangled in something as simple as your own shirt. Knowing your limitations is not the same as knowing your possibilities. It gives hope. If that hope is then illusory is of less importance.

Installation views room 1

Black, Red, White

Oil on canvas, 110x190 cm

10 %

Watercolor on paper, 100x70cm

About    To    Be

3 pieces, glaced stonewear, each aprox. 40x25x25 cm




Whisper box

Mixed media: Black box (valchromat), soundsystem, black electric cable, soundsystem

Sound loop 31 minutes (low whisper)

The whisper says the following:

(Part 1:)

I have a purpose. It will be apparent.

I will soon have a goal, It will be revealed to me.

I will know where to go. I will know what to do. It is imminent.

Everything will be easy and purposefull once this is revealed to me.

I can feel it. It is near now. I can wait. I am ready.

I know that I will not have to wait long. My time will come and it is just around the corner.

When the moment is here it will all be clear. It is closing in. I will be given my task, my meaning.

I basically know it already. I am just waiting for the last signal, the last piece in the puzzle, that final destination.

Then the world will open up. I will fly free. Nothing will be able to stop me. I have the power.

The possibilities are within me. I have learned all I need.

When the signal comes. When the goal is given. Then I will go at once.

I will set all my powers in motion. Soon. There will be no hesitation. It will be beyond remorse.

All that matters is this. I will be clear. I want this now.

My heartbeat is steady and raising. My nerves are on alert. I am totally awake. I am listening carefully. It will be a faint whisper first. I will hear it.

It will be revealed and then I will know. I have the feeling it is coming now. It is closing in. It is just around the corner.

My purpose. My goal, My meaning in life. I will soon be an open book. I will be able to read myself clearly and so will everyone else.

I will shine like a star. Once it is open I will be a supernova.

My path will be without hindrance. Nothing will be able to stop me.

All I await is the last word then the force will be with me. The last sign. The hidden secrets will be hidden no more.

The path will be straight. My path will be a wide straight highway leading me to the horizon,

The fog will go away. The sky will be clear. The wind will be strong and my wings will be steady.

I will have a clear purpose in life. I have a purpose already.

Part 2 is the same text as Part 1 but all ”I” are changed to ”You”

Part 3 is the same text as Part 1 but all ”I” are changed to ”We”

Part 4 is the same text as Part 1 but all ”I” are changed to ”They”

Installation views room 2

By Nature

Oil on Canvas, 110x190cm

Ultraviolet Wings

Ink and acrylic on glassfibre, UV-lamp